Семейное право

The Law offices of Andrew Friedman have been proudly serving the community of Los Angeles for over 40 years. With a dedication to client’s rights, and focus on getting the job done, Mr. Andrew F...
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В адвокатском бюро Регины Ратнер мы ориентируемся именно на решение проблем и достижения целей клиента. Эффективное представительство и совместные переговоры могут привести к желаемым результатам без...
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In modern legal practice, it is all too common for cases to be passed off to paralegals or temporary contract attorneys. At the Law Offices of Korol & Velen, we pride ourselves on personally handl...
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НOur Orange County Divorce Attorney encourage couples to do a amicable divorce (uncontested divorce) without litigation. We believe in intelligent and rational approach to a divorce without a financia...
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