Team Kalinyan at Coldwell Banker Hallmark Realty

At Team Kalinyan we strive to provide the highest quality of service to our clients. We have multiple teams working with Team Kalinyan at C.B. Hallmark Realty. This allows us to specialize to the needs of each client. We have successfully closed more than 2,000 transactions. Referrals from satisfied clients and re-transactions making up nearly 100% of our business. Our mission at Team Kalinyan is to guide you through the entire home sale and purchase process, so that you can think strategically about yoAt Team Kalinyan we strive to provide the highest quality of service to our clients. We have multiple teams working with Team Kalinyan at C.B. Hallmark Realty. This allows us to specialize to the needs of each client. We have successfully closed more than 2,000 transactions. Referrals from satisfied clients and re-transactions making up nearly 100% of our business. Our mission at Team Kalinyan is to guide you through the entire home sale and purchase process, so that you can think strategically about your options and make decisions with confidence.ur options and make decisions with confidence.

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